What are the Atlantic Home Warranty specifics?

What are the Atlantic Home Warranty specifics?

Your Atlantic Home Warranty arranged through Bentley Built provides the homeowner with a 2-part warranty.

Bentley Built, and other Builder Members* who offer the Atlantic Home Warranty provide one (1) year for labor and materials to repair any defects due to faulty workmanship or materials. As part of this warranty, the Builder Member is responsible for contacting you at year’s end to do a one-year inspection. Incomplete or deficient work that is covered by this warranty is carefully outlined in the detailed Construction Performance Standards Guideline which is available online at awhp.org.

Additionally, Atlantic Home Warranty provides a limited seven (7) year extended warranty for any major structural defects. In the event the builder defaults and doesn’t take care of your issue, the warranty program offers an insurance policy to have the defective work completed.

*Note: Builder Members are required to meet strict financial and training requirements to obtain and keep their membership.